Among dozens of submissions this year, we are very excited to introduce our top five projects from our 2021-22 Social Impact Challenge!
Since 2019, Yale Young African Scholars (YYAS) alumni have been invited to identify challenges and opportunities in their communities and take action through their own individual projects. These projects can address any problem, be short or long term, and can be done individually or as a group. The goal is for alumni to take the skills they learn back to their home countries and communities to begin making change through meaningful activities and community engagement.
Learn more about the top projects below:
1. CodEd (Emmanuela Ilok; Nigeria)
An introductory computer science/coding curriculum and training relevant and accessible for teachers and students in Nigeria
2. Green Horizon (Oreofe Solarin and Michelle Naa Odarley; Nigeria and Ghana)
A mobile app and international movement for initiating and coordinating student-led sustainable development projects with partners in the Americas and Africa
3. Eradicate Hunger (Sushil John Amalor; Kenya)
An effort to expand vegetable and fruit gardens across public schools in Kenya to increase access to nutritious food for families and decrease food waste across supply chains
4. Disability is Not Inability (Bafokeng Nkone; Lesotho)
A collaboration to create stronger community awareness and reduce stigma of neurodivergent children in addition to improving neurodivergent & differently-abled children’s access to resources and support
5. InteractMag (Sahar Saoudi; Tunisia)
A student-run magazine to highlight student-led projects in addition to connecting and inspiring youth in Tunisia interested in social change and community development