YYAS Testimonials
“I have never learnt as much as I did here and it was incredibly enriching. My mind is filled with so much information that I have acquired from all my instructors and most importantly, I now have bigger and better perspectives of how I want to carry out my future studies.”
- YYAS 2022 Online Participant
“YYAS helped me understand more about my roots as an African; it helped make me a versatile and understanding human being. After YYAS, it’s like everyday I’m getting one step closer to being the person I want to be. Sharing what I’ve learnt from YYAS is one of my top priorities, I feel like people need to know about YYAS and how it changed my life for the better as a young African leader.”
- YYAS 2020 Online Participant
“YYAS has helped me understand myself better. It has made me realize that there is more to just wanting a better future and that one has to be a good leader as well. I have learned that the most important part of being a leader is listening to other people’s opinions and decisions. Being a Yale Young African Scholar has strengthened my roots as an African. It has made me see that the way I voice myself portrays a lot about who I am. As a YYAS Alumni I am more prepared than before to face the world ahead of me, the future that was once foggy has become brighter and clearer. Thank you YYAS.”
- YYAS 2020 Online Participant