Ryan Pakebusch

Ryan Pakebusch's picture
Associate Director, Yale Young African Scholars

Ryan Pakebusch is the Associate Director for the Yale Young African Scholars (YYAS) program. In his time in this role, he successfully relaunched in-person programming on the African continent with the 2023 residential program and educators conference and looks forward to expanding the reach and depth of the programs’ impact.

Additionally, Ryan currently serves on the Training and Mentorship sub-Committee of the Africa-wide HALI Access Network, which aims to train educators to support students applying to global universities, and the Yale-wide working committee for the Through the Eyes of She, which focuses on gender equality and equity in Africa.

Prior to joining YYAS, Ryan lived and worked in East Africa (Somaliland and Kenya) for nearly five years. In that time, he was a classroom teacher, college counselor, researcher, and consultant to NGOs and foreign governments. Ryan earned a dual-degree in Government and Communication Studies from the University of Texas at Austin and a Master’s in Education from the Harvard Graduate School of Education.